The film “Searching for West” made its live theatrical debut on August 16 in Bozeman, MT. Today, August 22, marks its official online release for worldwide viewing. The film was inspired by Mark Seacat’s desire to serve as husband, father and hunter as the three converged at the same time: his son West was born 10 days before archery season began. The film features Seacat as he tries to balance the demands of new fatherhood with hunting season. Seacat says in the film about hunting “it’s a way that I found where I can connect Mother Nature and a world that’s simple, a world that’s pretty easy.”
In the film, Seacat uses a wide range of Leica equipment on his hunting expeditions. Leica partnered with “Searching for West,” and offered a Leica Geovid 10×42 HD to a lucky winner as part of a giveaway to promote the film. To see the winner, who was also announced today, and learn more about the film, visit the official “Searching for West” website. You can also read our original interview with Mark Seacat here.
-Leica Internet Team
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