We’re pleased to announce the launch of the new Lecia S-System page on Facebook: http://facebook.com/S.System. Visit the page and click ‘Like’ to connect with the Leica S-System and get exclusive content and the latest updates in your Facebook News Feed!
The Leica S-System page provides an opportunity for Leica professional photographers, fans and enthusiasts to actively engage with Leica Camera and with one another.
In addition to offering fans the opportunity to register for S-System demos, the page specifically highlights news, tips and features of the S-System, a completely new digital camera concept that meets supreme professional photography requirements. The S-System’s flexibility, durability and easy operation combined with industry-leading resolution and image quality set new standards for medium-format photography.
Since the launch of Leica’s page on Facebook, blog and Twitter newsfeed, Leica has attracted a strong social networking community approaching 75,000 photography fans. We’re excited to add this new community dedicated to the S-System and invite you to join us.
Thank you for your support and being a part of the Leica community!
– Leica Internet Team
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