A birthday party, complete with a cake in the form of an M9, was held at the Leica Ginza shop in Tokyo on June 16 to celebrate the flagship store’s fifth successful year in Japan. In addition to conversation and drinks, guests were also able to take in the current Robert Capa exhibition on the second floor as well. As a source of photographic material for my blog Tokyo Camera Style, it would be difficult to imagine a better venue to photograph than this. There were many beautiful cameras on parade here, but perhaps the most photographed and talked about star of the party just may have been the limited edition hammertone M9-P on the first floor set out for interested guests to experience. While this camera is limited to 100 pieces, each guest was able to take home their own limited edition M9 in the form of a cookie commemorating the event. This was perhaps the first Leica to taste as good as they all look.
-John Sypal
You can see more of the cameras from the party on John’s blog, http://tokyocamerastyle.com.
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