On location at the beach in St. Peter Ording, Germany, Portrait Photographer Markus Tedeskino and his team use the Leica S2 with central shutter lenses. Beginning October 2012 Leica Camera will gradually expand the product range for the Leica S medium format system with five new central shutter lenses; however, Markus previews them in this video.
The objective of the Leica S-System is to provide reliable equipment that guarantees extreme precision, which Markus puts to the test as he captures a ballerina in mid-air. Comfortable working on location where his subjects are, Markus is known for his portrait work that appears in magazines and advertisements. Markus uses the S2 and explains, “The advantage of the S2 is that it handles like a 35mm camera but offers a much higher quality picture resolution.”
-Leica Internet Team
To learn more about the S-System, click here. To see more of Markus’s work, please visit his website.
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