Thomas Müller, Director of Digital Marketing at AUDI AG, not only has a passion for cars with four rings; he is also a dedicated Leica X1 photographer. He says, “the camera is so wonderfully compact that I can take it along for spontaneous snapshots wherever I go.” Upon hearing of the collaboration between Leica and Audi, he was immediately thrilled. As Müller explained, “both brands share a mutual affinity for premium finishing and minimalist, distinctive design. We can almost certainly add to that the fact that there is an overlap between the two customer target groups. The products of both brands fulfill their premium expectations.” Together with Enrico Hanisch, his social media advisor, Thomas Müller organized an on-location shoot at the Leitz Park. We spoke to Enrico about the shoot.
Q: How significant is the role of premium content in social media communication?
A: Alongside the realisation of key campaigns, the production of premium content for social media channels is a success factor in digital marketing. Exclusive and authentic pictures have three to four times the impact of other content such as conventional advertising photography. We become actively involved in the universe of Audi fans and customers without diluting the brand message. At the same time, exclusive pictures have an extremely positive influence on the purchasing decisions of potential customers. The way I see it, the collaboration between Leica and Audi on a shoot like this was the obvious next step.
Q: Which models did you showcase at the Leitz Park shoot?
A: We brought along an Audi A8 Saloon and an A7 Sportback. Two modern and elegant models that perfectly fit in with the architecture at the Leitz Park location. Their premium design and clean lines create a perfect link between the cars and the buildings. I think that these attributes also reflect the premium positioning of both the Leica and Audi brands. I believe we will get some truly great shots of the cars – particularly because we’ll be using the Leica T – and some great shots from inside too.
Q: Which photographer do you work with?
A: We have really come to appreciate the work of Tobias Sagmeister in our projects with him over the past few years. He’s a young photographer with an affinity for technology and cars. Tobias has already showcased almost every Audi model and is a fantastic freestyle photographer, for example for shoots outdoors and those that go beyond the limitations of classical studio work. Tobias teamed up with Luca Fasching for the Leitz Park shoot to capture stunning premium shots of the cars from unusual angles.
Thank you for your time, Enrico!
– Leica Internet Team
Read the interview in its original German here.
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