I’m a London based photographer specialising in noir style imagery. My city and everything in it represents the main source of inspiration, which I try to capture in the rawest way possible. I’ve been shooting with Leica for a while, which allows me to be an unobtrusive spectator of everyday life in the bustling metropolis, ultimately translating into an honest and often accidental feedback from my subjects. The following images were created with the Leica M-P (Typ 240), Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246), and Summilux 35mm f/1.4 FLE ASPH.
When I first arrived to London 15 years ago from a small, provincial town in Serbia I was instantly hooked! I distinctly recall walking around Soho, Covent Garden and Chinatown on a cool September night and being mesmerized by everything I saw. One thing that especially captured my attention was the sheer diversity of people. It seemed like every race and culture imaginable flocked down to this bustling city from all over the world. I felt at home that very night and have been in love with this place ever since.
My fascination with people never stopped and it’s what fuels my photography. I love capturing honest and unobtrusive moments around the city and in doing so I try to be a silent spectator of everyday life. At every turn I witness something different and worth noticing. The energy of this place is infectious and I feed off of it. I like to imagine where my subjects are from, where they are heading and what their personal stories are like. I’d like my pictures to read like short stories and viewers to make up their own minds about what they see.
Samuel Johnson was right: When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.
To know more about Zarko’s work, please visit his official website and follow him on Instagram.
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