An avid photographer and long-time customer of Leica, we asked Anthony to be one of the first photographers to shoot with the new M10-R. Anthony typically works on long-term projects documenting rural life and farm workers, but he also has a fondness for photographing dogs. In this project, Anthony documented his daily life in the countryside with his dog, Boo, on the new Leica M10-R.
What are your impressions of the M10-R?
I own an M10 Monochrom and immediately liked how familiar the M10-R was to hold and use.
I realised the huge potential of the camera when I saw the imported files for the first time. I have always tried to frame my subjects in-camera, but occasionally I have to crop an image, especially when photographing fast-moving subjects like dogs. The extra resolution of the M10-R has enabled me to crop as needed, while still allowing me to create large prints. Photographing animals can be very spontaneous, so I have found it is important to have my camera with me at all times so that I am ready to capture that crazy moment when it arises. The M-System and its small lenses are ideal for my style of photography.
The improved dynamic range of the M10-R is a huge bonus, as it has enabled me to cut down on post-processing time. And I found the ability to use my Noctilux wide open during the daytime without a neutral density filter an exciting new experience.
You shoot with a range of lenses. Which did you choose for this project?
I will always carry my 50mm APO-Summicron with me if it’s not on my camera. The small size and the incredible details the lens can render always amazes me. Using this lens on the M10-R took it to another level.
And I used the 21mm Summilux for getting up close to my subjects, mainly dogs, whilst out walking across the fields. The 21mm enabled me to capture both the character of the dogs and the beauty of the surrounding countryside. The shots are quite dramatic. I mostly pre-focus for this type of work. I use my 50mm if I’m wanting to capture less in the frame and have total focus on the subject.
You’re a long-time M user. Do you have any tips or tricks for those new to the system?
The M-System takes a while to get used to, so don’t give up and practise every day, even if it’s just focusing on items in your home. It is a very rewarding camera to use and deserves some time and patience to get to know it well.
What was your first M and which one is your current favourite?
My first M was the original Monochrom purchased at launch in 2012 and a 35mm Summicron. I still have a big soft spot for the original Monochrom and its incredible RAW files. I only recently sold it to help fund my new M10 Monochrom. I’m also an analogue photographer and have a Leica MP that I use for certain projects. I don’t think I could pick a favourite because they are all great cameras in different ways.
What are your favourite places for photography?
The beach. There is something about taking your dog for a long walk on the beach and how everything just stops, and you can enjoy the sea breeze and capture your dog going crazy on the beach… I think he loves it more than me!
You’re known for your fantastic dog shots. What are your tips in capturing dogs in action?
To get on their eye level, or below; this usually involves me returning home wet and muddy in the winter, but the results can be very rewarding.
If I’m using the lens with a wide-open aperture, I will always, if there is time, try to pre-focus on something and wait for the dog to come into that area. As you can imagine this is not always easy if you are in the middle of a big, empty field, but quite often there may be a patch of clover or a lone flower that I can focus on. I find when I crouch down to be at the dog’s level this will quite often attract him towards me, and then it’s just a question of releasing the shutter at the right moment.
Are there any other projects that you are working on at the moment?
I have been photographing farm workers for many years, and recently decided to work on a small project on film over a one-month period. I used one camera and one lens only for the project; my Leica MP and a 1966 V1 Summicron 35mm. This has involved quite a lot of work as I also develop and scan my own negatives so that I have total control over the whole process. I am now editing and sequencing the photographs before sending them off to print to produce a zine. The zine will be a gift for the farmworkers to thank them for allowing me to photograph them.
Discover more of Anthony’s Leica shots on Instagram: @MadeByAnthony
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